The post-COVID-19 normal in the Pacific must be digital

The Social and Economic Impacts of COVID19 (coronavirus) in Asia-Pacific

Protecting young startups during Covid-19 pandemic
COVID-19 and the Nature-Health Nexus

UNDP and Global Fund partnership in Afghanistan proves vital in COVID-19 response

Ensuring uninterrupted HIV, TB and malaria services in the time of COVID-19
UNDP's Climate Promise
UNDP is scaling-up our support to countries through “UNDP’s Climate Promise: Ambition, Acceleration and Mobilization.” UNDP will provide support to 100 countries to accelerate the enhancement of national climate pledges by 2023, building on our climate action portfolio in over 140 countries. And we are developing new ways of mobilizing all people to inform climate action.
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We have been supporting countries since the very early stages of this crisis, having donated more than two million surgical masks and providing life supporting medical equipment such as x-ray machines, infrared thermometers, infusion pumps, protective suits, gloves and hand sanitizer.
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What we do
UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. UNDP in Asia and the Pacific delivers country and regional programmes in 36 countries through 24 UNDP Country Offices and the Regional Centre to help empower lives and build resilient nations.

Fast-Tracking the SDGs: Driving Asia-Pacific Transformations
This report explores six transformative entry points that can help the region achieve the SDGs, including in the context of efforts to respond to the pandemic. These are:
- Strengthening human well-being and capabilities
- Shifting towards sustainable and just economies
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- Achieving energy decarbonization and universal access to energy
- Promoting sustainable urban and peri-urban development
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The report takes a closer look at the speed of progress and levels of achievement of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, as compared with regional averages, for these six entry points. It highlights strategies deployed in countries that have progressed most rapidly. A special “deep dives” section takes a look at the experiences of six diverse countries.


An earthquake shattered millions of lives in Nepal, UNDP is working to help people recover and rebuild stronger.

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People Living in Extreme Poverty
Population Living in Multidimensional Poverty
Infrastructure Investment Needs
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